A New Season In My life…

John 15:5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

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Hello, I am back (:   It’s been a while. I have been so busy working in my ministry job that I haven’t even had time to blog. But I was let go this past Monday, so now I have plenty of time on my hands.

Losing my job was such a blessing for me. I have had so much peace and Faith through the past few days. I have sought Godly counsel and realized how much support I have and how many new people care about me. I also realized that this isn’t about losing my job but gaining new life. I have some things that I need to submit to God and he has been reminding me about this lately. I keep asking him how to do this and he keeps telling me that I need to be more intimate with him. He hooked me up financially for the next month and a half and is telling me to have Faith and be patient. God has also been speaking right to me through Scripture.

For example, the verse above was a time when He answered me right away. I was looking at my kale because it is turning yellow and I use it for juicing, I said “it’s okay, I only need the stems”. Then I started to think about how the stems or roots supply all the nutrients to the rest of the plant. Then I started to think about God being the root and us being the branches. I sat down and opened my email and the verse above was what I read. I couldn’t believe it, I had just got done thinking about this and he said “Yes, I am the vine”. He wants me to be so rooted in him that I can let go of all other comforts in my life. So here I am with the time to seek Him and become stronger.

I will be fasting and praying for the next couple of days. I will be shedding my blood and killing my flesh. I can’t wait to be drawn closer to him, to hear him more clearly and to know my next step. I know it will be hard and the enemy will try to temp and attack me, but it will all be so worth it in the end. I have been transformed so much already and I can’t even imagine the woman I will become through this next season of submission. So I just ask for prayer, for me to remember all the events and confirmation that he has brought to me so that I don’t start to worry about anything but being with Him.

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